Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Issues on Paid College Athletes

Should college athletes be paid? Many have different opinions on this subject. Some feel that a fully paid scholarship is enough for these talented individuals. But for the athletes it†s not enough. Allen Sack, a former football player said: † No matter their economic circumstances, college scholarship athletes, almost universally agree that there needs to be a way for money to find its way into their hands ligitimatley.† But what most the public doesn†t know is that intercollegiate athletics is a primary source of income for colleges and universities in the United States, and the athletes aren†t seeing a penny of it. The N.C.A.A. is what†s keeping the athletes from seeing some of the money they deserve by calling it â€Å"Amateurism.† Rule 2.9 says: † The principal of Amateurism Student athletes shall be amateurs in an intercollegiate sport, and their participation should be motivated primarily by education and the physical, mental and social benefits to be derives. Student participation in intercollegiate athletics is an avocation, and student athletes should be protected from exploitation by professional and commercial enterprises.† These rules show you how the N.C.A.A. controls the actions of the student athletes, only to allow them to be manipulated by their universities and take away their freedom to earn money on their own. College athletes who come from low-income families have little or no money, leading them to accept money and gifts illegally. Presidents of division I schools are allowing boosters to offer big money to talented athletes for competing on the fields of play, and try to attract wealthy TV networks to commercialize the sports and make Billions off the consumers. College athletes are young and naive and maybe that†s why they accept money and gifts. Maybe they feel they deserve it and lack the fear of any consequences or maybe they truly need the money since they can†t make it elsewhere. Athletes know they have a scholarship, but they also know that a scholarship doesn†t give you any money for normal everyday spending. For whatever reason student athletes accept money, whether good or bad, they still take it and they always will as long as it†s offered. The star athlete is basically hired to bring success to a certain sports program, regardless of his or her educational goals or intellectual background. Technically it is a phrase describing an individual student who engages in a sport for the academic institution they represent. But the problem that haunts the N.C.A.A. is the realization that the student athlete is truly two different words, describing two different groups of people and one day they will have to admit that they are separate. The bottom line is winning, and winning requires talented athletes, but some athletes realize their value and demand some compensation for their efforts. With all their long hours of hard work and endless practice, they put everything on the line. They risk life and limb for the university they represent and for what? Why undergo the stress and strain of a season, year after year, to only be tossed aside after their eligibility or talent is used up? Obviously for some, it†s that small possibility one day turning professional, but for others it†s the question of why can†t I get paid for my work now? Universities realize that they take in millions of dollars in revenue, and in return all the athlete gets is a scholarship. It all adds up from grants-in-aid to student athletes which generates about 5 million dollars a year. Add that to the millions spent on travel, housing, equipment, health care and other costs, pretty soon were talking about real money. According to the Bureau of Census is that the free education a scholarship athlete has, typically generates an extra $500,000 or more in that persons future. An education is priceless, and the student athletes at American colleges and universities reap the benefits of the finest higher education system in the world. So the knowledge that a student athlete gains in the classroom is something that will never depreciate. What paying players would do is free them from a system in which they do most of the work and assume all of the risk, yet are prevented from sharing in the results of their labor. This in effect, would terminate any forms off corruption and exploitation of intercollegiate athletics. It would also benefit the universities, while still profiting from their athletic programs they would also be scandal free and have the pressures of winning taken off their shoulders. The majority of the pressure would be carried by the already high paid coaches and soon to be high paid athletes. The N.C.A.A. could benefit by engaging in more high profit venues and would be relived of enormous amounts of pressure due to an employee situation within the system. Overall, a system of salary paid athletes put into intercollegiate athletics would change the views of many. Whether it would benefit society depends on such a proposal. I see no reason why such a proposal could not be created.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Holistic Approaches to Development Essay

Introduction My focus with this assignment will be on education as a whole and to demonstrate a knowledge of key legislation in respect of curricula and initiatives within the widening children’s education work-force. I will do this through relevant reading and understanding gained from personal experience, demonstrating a comprehension of the holistic nature of learning and how it is developed through age-appropriate activities. I intend to show an understanding of the types, role and functions of play. I will relate them to theoretical and practical models of play and learning practised at my setting, where the Primary Years Programme is implemented. The Primary Year Programme (PYP) takes a holistic approach in developing the complete child. Practitioners endeavour to deliver a curriculum that is relevant and meaningful to the child. Piaget suggests the principal goal of education is to create people who are capable of original thought and of being creative and not simply repeating what previous generations have done. The PYP is a Primary Curriculum recognised world-wide and the PYP for Early Childhood synthesizes insights of educational research pioneers such as Maria Montessori and Rudolf Steiner who maintained that education should be understood as the art of cultivating the moral, emotional, physical, psychological and spiritual dimensions of the developing child (J,1013). Play is child-centred activity that engages young children and promotes learning. Play is the means by which children make sense of the world and is an effective method of teaching young children. Play is a context for learning through which children organise and understand their social worlds as they actively engage with people, objects and representations. An holistic approach to education focuses on the whole child with care and education being of equal importance; and is known as a combined holistic  approach. Montessori and Steiner are among the most important of the many education theorists who have influenced the way children are educated today. Learning through play is one of the key principles that they and other education theorists advocated. All children have the right to be in a safe and welcoming environment. Keeping children safe is of course â€Å"a non-negotiable element of any early years framework† (Tickell, 2011.) In the United Kingdom there is a wide range of legislation enacted specifically with the aim of protecting children and their families. The safeguarding and welfare requirements are given legal force by The Early Years Foundation Stage (Welfare Requirements) Regulations. EYFS is the legal framework for the welfare and safeguarding of all young children from birth through to the end of the reception years in all types of early years education provision. Learning Outcome 1 -You will need to produce clear evidence of your knowledge and understanding of key, recent legislation & current initiatives pertinent to your setting practice. You can demonstrate this by discussing what is encompassed within the initiatives currently informing practice and identifying the various curricula available to parents, children and settings e.g. National Curriculum, The Early Years Foundation Stage, Steiner Approach, Montessori etc. Higher grades will be awarded if you can demonstrate a critical awareness of the importance of the key legislation & current initiatives pertinent to your chosen age range within the setting. Learning Outcome 2 – You should show that you understand the nature and meaning of a holistic approach to learning and development, whilst recognising the need to provide strategies for incorporating a range of holistic age related curriculum-based learning activities, which help promote development through play and. You should also identify specific aspects of your age-related research as being of significance to holistic development and explain their importance. To improve the grade you must show that you have considered a wide and comprehensive range of strategies for incorporating holistic age related curriculum -based learning activities, which will help development through play and learning in the setting.  Remember that the essay is intended to show your ability to integrate ideas and information drawn from a range of sources From early in the 20th century, a number of holistic approaches to early education have been put forward and refined (ref needed) . The most important principle of holistic education being to engender and nurture a sense of wonder in the child. Montessori, for example, spoke of â€Å"cosmic† education, which â€Å"helps the young person feel part of the wholeness of the universe, so that learning will be naturally enchanting and inviting† (Miller,2012 pg for a direct qoute). Holistic education is founded on the premise that each person finds identity, meaning, and purpose in life by connecting with the community, to the natural world and to spiritual values such as compassion and peace (J ? author ?, 2013). Miller date ? describes holistic education as: â€Å"†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.an attempt to return to the mysterious source of human creativity and authenticity for fresh inspiration. It seeks to enable the wholeness of the human being to emerge and develop as fully as possible. In contrast to progressive education, Holistic education sees the child as an emerging spiritual being within a larger planetary and cosmic ecology that extends beyond social and political realities. In Holistic education we must respond to the learner with an open, inquisitive mind, a loving heart and a sensitive understanding of the world he or she is growing into†¦..† (Holistic Education, 2011).too long a qoute, break down into own words please While However, the Reggio Emilia approach to holistic education involves dealing with or rating the ‘whole’ of something or someone, and not just a part of the ‘whole’ (J ?, 2013). This approach also places great emphasis on artistic self-expression and engaged creativity. Miller (2006) suggests that while there is clearly no one method, after reviewing a number of different holistic teaching methodologies, he concluded that there are four key aspects of the holistic approach to teaching: Learning is organic, emergent, experimental and based on cooperation. There is a strong sense of community and engagement between children, parents and educators where those members feel strongly to care for one another There is a great respect for children’s inner life, with methods ranging from environmental spaces that facilitate time out of competitive nosier environments, to time to ask deeper questions about the meaning of life and spirituality. There are strong connections to nature, with the care and connection with the environment incorporated throughout the curriculum (Higgins, 2012) In keeping with a holistic approach, the Priamary Years Progra (PYP) curriculum is an inquiry-based transdisciplinary curriculum. Pre-planned teaching is facilitated only in so far as it initiates open-ended questioning and inquisitiveness. Children are given maximum opportunities for discovery. A child’s questions are an important part of what happens in a PYP classroom. The school aims to develop the whole child, so while developing academic knowledge and skills, we also develop a child’s social and emotional skills and understanding. Children are taught to be caring individuals and encouraged to make a positive difference in the world. The IB Learner Profile Attributes guides schools in their holistic approach to education and includes the social and emotional aspects of a child’s school life. The PYP teaches students that they can make a difference in their lives by being independent and making â€Å"good choices,† for example by turning lights off to save energy when leaving the classroom, or recycling materials to avoid unnecessary waste. Physical education too is an integral part of the PYP curriculum and provides vital opportunities for the physical, social, emotional and intellectual development of the child. In Nutbrown’s (2012 pg ? ) review she asserts that, â€Å"high quality early education and childcare  can have a positive long term impact on a child’s later learning and achievements.† Connecting with nature is important for a child’s spiritual development and should inform daily activity. Incorporating holistic activity into the early childhood classroom provides opportunities for children to connect with nature. Activities such as painting classes in a park or other open-air neighbourhood location expose children to nature , while painting on mirrors helps develop self-awareness and spirituality by encouraging creativity and the representation of ideas while having fun. These are all straightforward, uncomplicated, activities that encourage a child to be inquiring. Refs needed The extreme heat and humidity at certain times of the year in Hong Kong make it impractical to take children outside to explore and discover. When this happens, we do our best to bring the outside into the classroom. We use natural materials such as shells and leaaves to inspire and encourage creativity. We also provide tools more normally associated with adult usage, such as cameras, this to illustrate the point that children are competent and capable learners and able quickly to master relatively sophisticated technology. As our knowledge of each child increases and we become more familiar with his or her interests, we use this and festivals such as Diwali, Christmas and Thanksgiving to inform our planning. Learning Outcome 3 – This learning outcome requires you to show sound evidence of practical knowledge and understanding of theoretical and practical models of play and learning which incorporate examples of the different types, roles and functions of play in the widening children’s workforce setting. To improve you would need to demonstrate clear, concise, in depth evidence & knowledge/understanding, of the application of practical and theoretical models of play and learning. Incorporating a range of examples of the different types, roles and functions of play. Smidt (2011) argues that Play may be defined as the way children, within a context, a culture, a family or a community explore or experience something  that excites and interests them and is fun. Through play, children learn to express or communicate their feelings (Smidt,2011.) Wood (2005) further supports this viewpoint by stating that †¦Play activity entails a wide range of behaviour and may be found in different contexts and with multiple meanings for children and adults (Wood,2005.) A holistic, place-based, approach to learning utilises the local community and environment to teach subjects across the curriculum, emphasising hands-on real life experiences. Ref here  Blah Blah (2010) discusses how Various educational theorists have influenced the way young children are educated today. Among the most influential have been Rudolf Steiner and Maria Montessori ref. Both shared a belief in the importance of learning through their play. They believed that experimental learning through play was more effective teaching methods than ones that were directed and prescriptive ref. The Reggio Emilia approach, developed by Loris Malaguzzi,ref here emphasised the role of the child as a competent agent in his or her own learning. Within this setting, educators make informed choices about the pedagogical approaches and curriculum based on the theories and principles of Malaguzzi. There must be a reference or more within every paragraph to show where the info came from, it’s particularly important when discussing theory or viewpoints. Bruce (date) as cited in Smidt (date) clearly regards play as one of the most significant ways children learn. She refers to play as ‘an integrating mechanism.’ When children are involved in self-chosen play, over which they have control of what they are doing, they are able to bring together many aspects of their learning, coordinating their activity in a way that brings about or creates new learning (Bruce, 1991 page ?), enabling discovery and problem solving as the child becomes increasingly independent. There are play opportunities both inside the PYP (Primary Years Program) classroom and in the playground as the learning environment is equipped with material that provides for a range of creative learning. A PYP classroom reflects what Moyles (date) regards as one of the most significant aspects of play – that of ‘ownership,’ meaning that the child takes control over  finding answers to questions that interest him or her. Wood 2005) recognizes that Play cannot always be easily defined or categorised because it is always context dependent and the contexts are varied (Wood,2005). Types of play cognitive play, involved play, passive play, pretend and socio-dramatic. She discusses this viewpoint further by stating The context of play will determine its nature and category, play is therefore ‘context-dependent (Wood, 2005). However, as the context varies, so will the nature of play in which the child engages: cognitive play, involved play, passive play, pretend play and Socio-dramatic play being the most important types. The physical development young children is also essential. Research has shown that physical activity in young children can enhance concentration, motivation, learning and well-being. Early Years educators use their knowledge of developmentally appropriate practice and the interests of the child to organise activities that provide opportunities for freedom of movement and physical stimulation. Refs needed throughout this paragraph  Piaget, another theorist, (date, cited in?) believed that play and imitation were an important feature of his theory. He saw play as almost pure assimilation without any attempt to adapt to outer reality (Wood, 2005). While Erikson ref thought the world of play was very important in the early stage of a child’s development, providing, as it did, a safe place for a child to work through conflicts in its life. Piaget, Erikson and Vygotsky ref all agreed that children use play as a way of teaching themselves. A child plays through situations very much as adults might think through a problem or difficult circumstances in which they find themselves. Children, of course, can more readily and naturally engage in fantasy play, when they delve into symbolic representations of objects and ideas by acting them out as part of a game or other form of play.ref Try to widen references from Wood, and use more than one ref in a paragraph. If you use the same source within a paragraph, you can use the term (ibid) which means ‘the same’ in Latin. You can only use it with the paragraph that you’ve cited the author e.g. Wood (2005) †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ blah blah blah (ibid) Its important you are using wider  reading within and throughout the work. There should also be a conclusion, which shows awareness of good practice and professional development through the implementation of this module. Throughout the essay, you must show the ability to integrate a range of information, drawn from a wide and varied area of sources (LO 4) Learning Outcome 4 – You will need to draw upon a range of contemporary source materials to inform your individual research into the impact of current/pending government initiatives & legislative factors on early years settings and the resultant age-related curricula delivered. Educational & researched-based journal articles afford the best opportunity of achieving this. Use of tertiary sources and of web-based material is permitted but is unlikely to attract significant additional marks. Sourcing and researching other related material may also earn additional marks Conclusion: Holistic approaches encompass, as the names suggests, a broad range of teaching goals and aspirations for children’s learning that extends well beyond academic learning into fields of social and emotional wellbeing. While this can at first seem overwhelming, teachers can find the small opportunities in their day to day practice to incorporate and extend ideas that promote connection, community and wellbeing. REF: Druce, J. (2013) Holistic education , MOD001262 Holistic Approaches to Development . [Print] Anglia Ruskin University , Unpublished 2012, Department for Education. (Foundations for Quality Nutbrown Review) [pdf] UK: Department for Education. Available at [Accessed 06 December 2013]. Dame Clare Tickell (2011) The Early Years: Foundation for life, health and learning . London: Crown . Druce, J. (2013) Holism (Noun), Holistic Approach to Development . [Print] Anglia Ruskin University, Unpublished Holistic Education (2011) Glossary of Terms Commonly Used in Holistic Education [Online] Available at [Accessed 15 December 2013] Natalie Higgins (2012) Exploring Holistic Approaches for Early Childhood Educators [Online] Available at [Accessed 12 December 2013] Ron Miller (2012) Holistic Education: A Brief Introduction [Online] Available at [Accessed 12 December 2013] Smidt, S (2011) Playing to Learn. UK: Routledge. Wood, E (2005) Play, Learning and the Early Childhood Curriculum . 2nd ed. London : Sage Publications .

Monday, July 29, 2019

Nike and Apple

This paper looks at two global brand names that have teamed up to make a new product for sports consumers. These are Nike and Apple. Nike is well known corporate brand associated with manufacture of Nike shoes while Apple is known for the manufacture of small and durable computer gadgets used in the music industry, the iTunes music store. Due to growing trend of consumers liking of their brand they have developed Nike+iPod Sport Kit that embraces two technologies that are divergent in nature but uniquely complementary to sports use. The Nike+iPod Sport Kit is able to capture athlete’s data, store it and interact with other gadgets useful for sports training. The use of it and other older devices have contributed to the success and potential of the merger between Nike and Apple companies. NIKE AND APPLE Nike and Apple are brand names of companies dealing in two different market fields. Nike has established itself as the dominant figure in sport shoes while Apple is the dominant the filed of computer technology where they have build a solid base in the music play list. Nike brands are Nike shoes that are the darling and much sought after shoes from sports consumers. While Apple has the dominant iTunes music store in which athletes have been uploading music. Since music is synonymous with athletes during training, the CEOs of these two companies came with a partnership to deliver a product of its kind (Lab paper main source). The CEO of Nike first approached Apple’s CEO with the ‘smart running shoe’ idea it was processed and a new idea referred by Apple’s CEO as ‘great start’ was born. This is a combination of two technologies that would improve the performance of the runners. The partnership which was labeled ‘design difficulties’ embraces a phenomenon that has already been ventured by other companies however, great improvement have been made. Thus Nike and Apple came up with the product called Nike+iPod Sport Kit. This is where an electronic sensor is embedded on the shoe which relays signals to the receiver connected remotely to the Apple’s iPod of the nano music player (Lab paper main source). The data is loaded in it of which information like distance covered, speed of the runner, calories burned during the training and can be customized to give details with specificity such as setting of ‘power song’. The iPod stores information on duration, distance covered and calories utilized during running time. The data is then transferred to a Mac or computer to which it uses the Nike website, where the runner can view data on the screen, analyze his progress, customize goals and show results later. This kit allows the runner to get feedback through the iPod speaker, and listen to music as he or she trains (Lab paper main source; Lab paper supporting material 2). The accuracy of this gadget is quite precise at over 90 percent even when used outside the box. For instance Armstrong used it during his training and tested with car speed and found that the nano recorded 5.2 miles while the speedometer recorded 5.3 miles (Lab paper supporting material 2). As a matter of fact the two companies brought this synergy of ideas based on the ‘beautiful friendship’ level to which there association has brought similarities and differences in harmonious integration.   For instance, Nike and Apple are similar because they leading global brand names in their field of specialization that is the buzz of young and cool consumer market. Two they are all technologically driven whereby the apple is known for semiconductors and software proficiency while Nike is force behind anatomy, precision molding as well as thin film technology. This is illustrated by one of the CEOs who termed it ‘scratching the surface of technology’ where they can only be limited by the scope of imagination and business deal. It is a merger that is transcending to a field that has not been touched hence showcasing the huge potential opening for further development (Lab paper main source). Therefore,   Nike has   rolled out   an expansive development of seven other styles of   Nike branded shoes in the near future which include Nike air zoom moire, Nike shox, Air max lines, Plus ready   and Nike plus. Plus ready brand is already in market with at least 4 million shoes being sold in stores (Lab paper main source). The development of technology did not happen without the obstacles as admitted by the executives’ of the two companies. On is that it took them eighteen months to come to agreement on the best platform dubbed Zen state. The problems being the sensor in the Nike shoe was bigger which was not welcomed by Nike engineers but the Apple designers saw it as small. Secondly the duration of the battery was short at about 1000 hrs. This was because the wireless technology to be employed consumed a lot of power and none wanted wire connection. However, it brought out a gadget that could be beneficial to all at an affordable price of $29 for iPod, $ 149 for nano and $100 for the shoe. This brings the question of affordability of the product to the consumers compared to previous product from companies like Garmin handheld GPS which its cost range from $115 to $377 depending on its sophistication (Lab paper main source). The partnership of two companies carries great benefits to both as indicated by their market share experiences. For instance, Nike will be solidifying its presence on the MP3 payer market having unsuccessfully tried through collaboration with Philips electronics. Apple being the dominant player gives Nike the presence and avenue it needs most. While Apple is gaining ground on a new field hence making iPod become a platform in sport market rather than as a music player. Nike profile will be elevated due to its connection with Apple and their market share will expand similarly because of similar demographics. Although some criticize the apple deal arguing that it is nutty others opposed it vehemently. For the case of Philips electronics where they have had long brand-licensing agreement it will still hold (Lab paper supporting material). This is not the first time Nike is penetrating the MP3 player market because they have done so with Philips electronics and co-branded the PSA 610, 4 GB hard disk with GPS sensor. This market has had other products of similar nature such as use of wristwatches, heart rate monitors, pedometer and cycling computers. The polar’s line of heart rate enabled athletes and cyclist to set up, training regimens where data can be viewed on the computer and results analyzed. The Garmin forerunner which had a hand held GPS connected to the wrist or in edge lines provided real time tracking of location from the GPS.   Mac’s gadgets were used to interface computers and internet including the use of polar and Garmin models. Therefore as the new product are developed old gadgets such as Mac’s solidify their ground (Lab paper supporting material). CONCLUSION This paper has discussed the merger of two global brand names that are successful in their area of business. Their merger has created a new market and potential of technological collaboration as well as boost in market share consolidation. REFERENCE Lab paper main source article Lab paper supporting material Lab paper supporting material 2

St.Paul's and St.Peter's Baroque Styles Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

St.Paul's and St.Peter's Baroque Styles - Essay Example It is worth noting the significance of the two church buildings: St.Peter’s Basilica is the seat of the papacy, while St. Paul’s Cathedral is the Anglican’s biggest cathedral and one of the most recognizable sights in the City of London (Murray, 1970). As such, St.Peter’s Basilica reflects the Roman Catholic aspirations while St. Paul’s Cathedral is a manifestation of the Protestants’ authority. Brigg and Martin (1967) explain that in the 17th Century the Roman Catholic church fought off the encroachment by protestant reformation; The society of Jesus(Jesuits), making it their duty to defend the ways of the church against what they considered to be protestant attacks. In order to fully highlight the variations in Baroque style across Europe and with St. Paul’s and St.Peter’s as the case-studies, it is imperative to identify the design constants and unique features that identified Baroque Art and Architecture. Both Zirpolo (2008 ) and Summerson (1964) found that Baroque Architecture manifested the following salient features: (1) Use of undulating motifs in interior and exterior spaces - even columns was designed to undulate. (2) Distinctive use of vaults arches and buttresses - Churches were characterized with vaulted ceilings. (3) Flamboyant use of sculptures, statues and paintings in spaces. (4) A faà §ade characterized by a prominent dome, and an interior marked with a grand nave, and (5) Stylish exploitation of the play of light in interior spaces. It is these distinctive features. that the author will use as parameters to gauge the regional variations in the architecture of both St. Peter’s Basilica and St. Paul’s Cathedral. However, both churches have their own unique elements that might not be present in the other. For instance, St.Peter has a unique Baldachin below the dome. A major cause

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Learned Lessons from Completing the Project on Royal Tires & More Assignment

Learned Lessons from Completing the Project on Royal Tires & More Systems Upgrade - Assignment Example While completing the project it was evident that it involved change and therefore, it meant that the project manager was equally tasked with change management of which according to the writings by Marshak (2005), the project managers or managers’ in-charge of a change programme are also required to manage people as part of their roles. Being that the project manager did not have any background knowledge on human resource management there were few cases whereby some employees of the company showed resistance to the implementation of the project because of fear of job loss due to the system upgrade that seemingly made some of them redundant. Part of the lesson that the project manager learned from the resistance that was attributed to change, was that he should adopt a humanistic approach to projects that involve change. The humanistic approach according to Kotter (2011) is built on the premise that there has to be an interpersonal relationship between managers and employees, an d therefore managers have to consider the opinions or views of every party affected by the change. Secondly, while completing the project another key lesson that was learned is that the project budget is highly prone to changes that are beyond the control of the project manager. These changes are attributed to economic factors that are external and they may cause an influx of the budget beyond the original estimates or they may cause a reduction in the original estimates of the project budget. The first lesson that was learned while completing the project was that projects that involves change, should be integrated change or people management to eradicate cases of resistance from employees.  

Saturday, July 27, 2019

VISUAL CULTURE Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

VISUAL CULTURE - Essay Example The author strongly argues the value of the paintings, sold in millions is created by auction houses and dealers rather than the critics and curios. Is Dance at Le Moulin de la Galette a brand painting which has acquired created value by the dealers or is it truly a masterpiece on canvas? To know this we should explore and analyze every minute visual aspect of the painting through our brain and heart. This essay aims conducting a thorough analysis on the visual structure and the meaning Dance at Le Moulin de La Galette tries to communicate. Richard Howells (2012) suggests examining a painting contains five key features. We have to analyze what kind of painting it is, what does it show, the location of the painting, the time or era it was drawn, what is shown and what is left out in it for us to make out. In technical terms we have to concentrate on the usage of key elements like the usage of line, brush strokes, light usage, the forms present in the painting, the color and texture to conduct a good analysis. Any person can do this analysis devoid of their art or historical background. But, determining a painting’s true value requires viewing it through the heart and mixing a bit of philosophy with the technicality to note the ‘absence’. We can interpret it in simple terms as reading between the lines or rather as reading between the brushstrokes (Kenny n.d.). Each painting has something absent, which we do not realize until we view the painting. Then we start to reflect about the absence and its loss (Berger 2009). Again as Howells (2009) mentioned, just reading the content of the painting alone is not important. Understanding its form and the interpreting the inner meaning identifying the absence is the key point of good visual analysis. Drawn by Renoir at 1876 in Paris, this painting has achieved its iconic status owing to its masterful brushstrokes (a major reason for

Friday, July 26, 2019

Global Managerial Economics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Global Managerial Economics - Essay Example This essay presents answers on several questions about the United States and it's role and impacts on global managerial economics. Firstly, the researcher aims to explain why the United States would subsidize the short run costs of production for tobacco farmers in foreign countries and how does this practice shift the equilibriums (price and output) for tobacco and domestic food items. Any form of incentive is helpful to the tobacco farmer as well as the local economy which rely on the income of these industries to generate employment. Then, the researcher presents an analysis of both the local and international effects of this issue, such as an increase in marginal and average value of employment, because the incentives/subsidies could afford wage increase and this translates into an increase of production for existing firms and the incentive for new players to start-up with positive externalities. This essay then describes the case with Acme Motors and what are the production gain s to the entire company from the facility in Nuevo Laredo specializing in Autoturbo Quattro engines. The researcher also discusses why do they just make engines in Nuevo Laredo rather than the entire auto. In addition, the researcher analyzes why would Acme Motors shift its production of engines from Detroit to Mexico and then shift the engines back to the United States and what are the gains and losses for consumers in these types of international production and trading patterns, that were described.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

ADVANCED PRICING TECHNIQUES Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

ADVANCED PRICING TECHNIQUES - Assignment Example US has an absolute advantage in ______________Chemicals____________ (apparel, chemicals, both apparel and chemicals, neither apparel nor chemicals). e. China has a comparative advantage in ________ both apparel and chemicals __________________ (apparel, chemicals, both apparel and chemicals, neither apparel nor chemicals). US has a comparative advantage in __________ neither apparel nor chemicals ________________ (apparel, chemicals, both apparel and chemicals, neither apparel nor chemicals). g. Compared to the initial optimal product combinations D and S, world output of chemicals is ________smaller________ (smaller, greater) by __18___ tons of chemicals and world output of apparel is ________greater________ (smaller, greater) by __28___ 1000 units of apparel. i. Based on the actual terms of trade in previous part of this question, US can now choose four 1000 units of apparel and ___1.5___ tons of chemicals and China can now choose six tons of chemicals and ___1.5___ 1000 units of apparel. Specialization and trade between the two nations has ______decreased________ (decreased, increased) the standard of living in US and has ________Increased______ (decreased, increased) the standard of living in

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

COMMUNICATION AND DECISION MAKING Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

COMMUNICATION AND DECISION MAKING - Essay Example In my personal scenario, the 2 highly defined strategic aspects are logical processor and hypothetical analyzer. From a broad perspective, logical processor has an innate ability to critically analyze the situation with the prescribed rules and regulations and help in providing a detailed and a vivid result. To me, this strategy helps to make myself stable as it helps me to assure that the relevant information required has been processed efficiently and effectively.  As an individual, it gives me the ability view my problems with the optimum level of care and also helps to consider certain important factors which are involved before moving on to a conclusion. Such technical aspects help me to find the core aspect of problem-solving in a highly interesting and intriguing manner. Being a logical processor helps me to keep a relevant track record of my work and helps me in being highly organized, specifically because this approach is highly methodical. This approach is highly pragmatic as it goes to the core of the problem and offers various alternatives. My Strategic style directly coincides with the conservator strategic pattern. By closely analyzing my traits and attributes, my communication and decision making strategy may work differently depending on the specific situation. In such a scenario, the ability to communicate would certainly vary and it depends on whether the attributes of logic and sensitivity have been used. Being a Conservator helps me in attempting the optimum solutions in a specified structure. Such method is suitable for situations where there is very low margin for error. This style is suitable for me because it is directly characterized by having a strong adherence for procedural and innovative techniques (Visser, 1999). It is evident that decision making can be defined as a process which needs consistent and adequate level of planning for achievement of desired results. Planning helps to ease and